Our clients at Brightstone learn crucial life skills for independence in two distinct methods: education through coaching and real life experiences supported by their coaches. We provide clients with hands-on experience in necessary life skills such as proactive social skills, money management, executive functioning, time managment and organization. Along with conversation around the importance of healthy life skills, Brightstone also provides clients with opportunities to practice their skills experientially and in in real-time with the support of mentoring staff.


Nutrition is part of a well-rounded and healthy lifestyle. Our young adults receive support regarding the importance of nutritionally balanced meals and how to plan and prepare for their diet. Instruction is given on how to create weekly meal plans, food budgets, shopping lists for their trip to the super market. Weekly shopping trips provide an opportunity for staff to coach our clients through these skills in real-time and as they prepare for their pre-developed menus.


Our young adults also receive instruction and guidance in establishing and living within a budget. All expenses and personal spending are closely monitored by Brightstone coaches. Our young adults are held accountable for all expenses, and are required to provide receipts for their purchases.


Our clients will also learn emotional and behavioral self-regulation strategies. With the support of their team, clients will be given a safe environment to learn how to regulate their reactions to overwhelming stimuli and how they respond to others in those moments.